by Babita Spinelli | Oct 7, 2021 | Anxiety
The COVID vaccine is out in full force and the doors to many workplaces throughout our country are swinging open, many for the first time since March of 2020. While some people are looking forward to re-engaging with colleagues and returning to “normal,” that is not...
by Babita Spinelli | May 7, 2020 | Anxiety, Psychotherapy, Trauma / PTSD
It’s not common that we, as a society, go through a collective trauma as we are now. The last one I can remember was 9/11, but even that experience was different. Though the world came crashing down around us on that fateful September morning, the event itself was...
by Babita Spinelli | Apr 20, 2020 | Anxiety, Psychotherapy, Self-Esteem
In a few short weeks, everything that was once easy and familiar has changed. Our routines. Our social activities. Even our ways of entertaining ourselves. The pandemic reminds us that unexpected things can and do happen – things we aren’t always prepared for. The...
by Babita Spinelli | Apr 6, 2020 | Anxiety, General
Helpful Strategies to Make Working From Home Easier Than You Imagine Burnout is a frequent issue in our society in general. Now that we’re in the midst of a health crisis that’s put our country on lockdown and thousands of people are working from home, the risk of...
by Babita Spinelli | Oct 6, 2019 | Anxiety
Anxiety is a natural dialogue between our mind and body. It’s a red flag that something might be going on in our surroundings that requires our attention. For most of us, anxiety is an uncomfortable but fleeting feeling that pops up on occasion during particularly...
by Babita Spinelli | Feb 8, 2018 | Anxiety, Depression, Self-Esteem
“Why can’t my life be like that? What do they have that I don’t?” Self-comparison, especially in the new age of technology, is a constant presence in our daily lives. Social media, television, film, and magazines all contribute to the practice of self-comparison,...